Jun 11 2024 46 mins 11
What is it like to watch vegetation type-conversion in real time? How are invasive grasses changing the ecology of the desert and broader Southwest? What's being done to protect and restore Southwest ponderosa pine forests?
This episode with Tonto National Forest fire ecologist Mary Lata dives into the fire regimes of the Southwest, how they're changing by the year, how invasive grasses are influencing those changes, and particularly how she's beginning to see more fire in the Sonoran Desert, where fire was not historically common. We also spoke about her work within the Four Forest Restoration Project, which aims to restore and protect the significant ponderosa pine forests within the Apache-Sitgreaves, Coconino, Kaibab and Tonto national forests.
Mary was preparing for a public meeting the day of our conversation and had a few great slides that she showed me during our conversation, so I've uploaded the full video of our conversation to Youtube for folks who would like some more context for the topics we discussed in the podcast.
This episode and our entire series on Fire in the Southwest was made possible with support from The Southwest Fire Science Consortium and the Arizona Wildfire Initiative.
01:11 - Introduction
05:42 - Mary's Background and Career
10:04 - Four Forest Restoration Initiative
13:05 - Growing up Near Badlands National Park
15:33 - Different Ecosystems and Fire Regimes of the Southwest
17:19 - The Sonoran Desert
19:39 - Witnessing Desert Conversion Over Time
20:14 - Should Human-Caused Ignitions Be Part Of A Fire Regime?
22:05 - Lightning Caused Fires Versus Human Caused Fire
23:52 - Mary's Love of Nebraska
27:01 - Grasslands In The Great Plains
30:36 - Current Restoration Work and Climate Change Impacts on Southwest Fire Regimes
34:11 - What is Assisted Migration and Can It Help The Southwest?
38:04 - The Changing Role Of Disturbance In Grassland Systems
39:24 - Grassification of the Sonoran Desert.
45:13 - Outro