Aug 26 2022 56 mins 12
Hot Dad joins me in the Fast Track kitchen today to write a song about hair in a half an hour. Will these two cook or will it be a case of too many cooks? You'll have to listen to find out. But we do cook. The song rocks
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Available already for $5 patreon subscribers: free downloads of all the previous Fast Track songs and bonus episodes. Recent bonus episodes feature Jesse Farrar of YKS and Werner Herzog! (ed: I just found out that it was a guy pretending to be Werner Herzog and not the real guy. He does a good job though)
Support this show and get exclusive bonus content at
Available already for $5 patreon subscribers: free downloads of all the previous Fast Track songs and bonus episodes. Recent bonus episodes feature Jesse Farrar of YKS and Werner Herzog! (ed: I just found out that it was a guy pretending to be Werner Herzog and not the real guy. He does a good job though)