Aug 08 2021 18 mins
Get ready for a lot. When one streaming microphone leaves the room Tyler is being interrogated in, we get two stories played simultaneously in each of the listener’s ears. Meet several new characters and go through many plot developments as the two stories weave together in serendipitous ways. Join us as we boldly go where no Binural Podcast has gone before.
John (the sweeper) is played by Colum Gobelbecker who is on instagram at colum__
Lillie is played by Rachel Ann Thomas who has a website! and a tik tok
Sue is played by Aisling Smith who wants you to mind your business.
Anthony Beuro is played by Ryan Burns who has something to plug but is hiding it.
Hal was played by Anthony Giulliano who loves a good joke.
Dr. Raylee Carden is played by Róisín Gobelbecker who has a website at
And Tyler Bop was played by Declan Grogan
Music by Emmett Husmann. More on his awesome website