Aug 30 2021 19 mins
There is a lot of gross soup drinking ASMR in this one. Also Jameson has the mouth of a sailor
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Jameson is played by Spencer Gallagher (21spendexx)
Raylee is played by Roisin Gobelbecker (
Ramus is played by Gabe Krut (Platfrom Production Co) (instagram)
Lillie is played by Rachel Ann Thomas (Platform Production Co) (instagram)
Claire is played by Claire Glennon (@Claire_glennon)
Captain Bert is played by Jimmy Brown (@jimmybrownluc22)
Johnny is played by Liam Mahon (The Buried Podcast)
Steve is played by Dylan Ward (Top Numbers)
Tim is played by James Cullinane (@Jaymowis)
John is played by Colum Gobelbecker (@colum__)
Guards (Brower and Dermit) were played by Tommy Campbell and Mike O’Challaghan
Alarm was Katherin Glasier
Tyler was played by Declan Grogan (Something Fun)
Music by Emmett Husemann (Except the ukulele track) (Bandcamp)
My Town is written, produced, and edited by Declan Grogan
Sam Neisewander helped assemble the episode with editing. (Moose the Cavapoo)
Cold Cuts is a new audio drama by Platform Production Company where all the actors haven’t read the script. They come in blind and read a new script in a cold read. There will be four stories in the first episode and you can check out more about it at the links for Platform Production Co. It’s the same format as Oh Wayward Nights!