Today we talk with writer Kerry Madden-Lunsford about how Al-Anon has helped her deal with the pain of having a child who’s treatment-resistant and now living on the streets of Los Angeles.
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In this Episode
0:38 Intro
4:51 Flannery's Childhood, Kerry's Parenting Philosophies
5:59 The Christmas Letter
8:04 Flannery Today
10:29 Being in Denial, then Noticing Signs
14:08 The most codependent family ever vs Al Anon
17:17 Diagnosis, Jail, Christmas
19:42 Self-Pity vs Al Anon
22:35 Werewolf Hamlet
25:28 Travel Town Museum, Torment
28:08 Realizing your child is unhoused
30:50 Looking For Flannery
32:50 Justin Szlasa
35:43 What Should You Do?
42:17 Ideal Outcomes
45:17 Kerry's current approach
50:22 Angels
55:04 Outro