Brief: Trump the Babyface, Trump the Heel (w/Abraham Josie Reisman)

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Jan 04 2025 45 mins   592 4 0

Journalist and author Josie Reisman says we can’t understand the Trump era without understanding his life-long pro-wrestling fandom, and his bonds with one of his closest friends, WWE tycoon Vince McMahon.

Reisman argues that McMahon’s invention of “neokayfabe,” in which storylines and real life are purposefully and artfully confused, blurs the distinction between fact and fiction. It makes consumers, followers, and voters complicit in creating a spectacle of cruelty.

It’s the kind of argument that once seen, can’t be unseen. It helps explain the contradictory and performative politics of Trump—and how, under his leadership, the administrative state may not be destroyed by fascism directly, but by a theatre of cynicism and catharsis that will allow the latent fascism of the American Empire to explode.

Show Notes

Welcome to Neokayfabe

Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America — Abraham Josephine Riesman // Writer

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