Aug 07 2023 82 mins 10
Bibi Lucille is an actress, comedian and writer. Her latest show 'Meat Cute' is currently on at the Edinburgh Fringe. Tickets are available here:
We talked about getting into acting through unconventional routes, comedy, losing your religion and imagining James McAvoy greeting you at the Pearly Gates!
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Massive thanks to our patrons: Mary Catherine Byrnes, Victoria Nielsen, Manya Kay, Alex Williams, Joel Piveteau, Richard Astill, Samantha Beaton, Claudia McKelvey, John Holland, Katherine Keen, Lynn Robinson, It's Coming Home 2022, Alice Chrystall, Maddie Lightfoot, Alex Collis, Martin Grimm, Vicki, Julianna Williams, Rachel Bowen, Witnessthebigness.
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