Jan 29 2025 39 mins
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This week we kick off our Faith in Sports Series with a powerful testimony from Cleveland Browns and Cleveland Cavs Chaplain Nobles Darby IV!! A pastor’s kid who fell from grace. Nobles received a calling into ministry at a young age. He went on to become a D1 athlete with a scholarship to play football at Bowling Green. The loss of his grandfather shortly after sent him into a downward spiral. Which ultimately left him off the team, suspended from school and back home.
Battling depression and suicidal thoughts he remembered the words of his grandfather before his death, “You gonna need God to make it through college and life.”
In that moment Nobles repented and turned to God, the God of second chances. Nobles went back to school and walked the stage of a 4-year university a couple years later. Which ultimately led him back to the game he loved, but this time as a Chaplain. Now Nobles uses his story to impact professional athletes and the community as a whole.
At the early age of 13 he knew that God was calling him into ministry. At a special prayer service led by his grandfather, he was standing in a circle and felt the presence of the Holy Spirit for the first time. An overwhelming sensation and a voice saying "GO!" He walked up to the alter to his grandparents and said, "I want to know what God's will is for my life."
Out of fear Nobles ran from his calling, he was terrified of it. But three years later, at only 16, he was ready to accept God's call on his life.
"My yes to God at 16 ran ahead of my 20 years and is opening up doors now."
Nobles now uses his powerful testimony to encourage pro coaches and athletes. Nobles also serves as the FCA Metro Cleveland Director for Cleveland FCA - www.clevelandfca.org
"The thing I'm most concerned with, is how do I win at home? It can only come by being sharpened, we all have blind spots and need another man to call those out. The Holy Spirit is our spotter, he sends and puts people in our lives that can see things we can't see. I want to encourage the men I'm around , the athletes and coaches I'm around to leverage their platform of influence to point people to Jesus Christ."
"My legacy is a man who had enough faith to take God at his word to watch him do what he did with no expectation other than seeing Jesus be glorified. I just want to see the name of Jesus will be lifted up in sports. God wants us to prioritize a souls over stats mentality. When we as men prioritize the health of our soul God allows everything else to flow from a place of priority because our priority is Him."
Get to know Nobles or book him for your next event! – www.noblesdarbyiv.com/home
If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – menofiron.org/contact-us
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You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – www.youtube.com/@men_of_iron. Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at menofiron.org/podcast
Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us.
Find out more at menofiron.org
This week we kick off our Faith in Sports Series with a powerful testimony from Cleveland Browns and Cleveland Cavs Chaplain Nobles Darby IV!! A pastor’s kid who fell from grace. Nobles received a calling into ministry at a young age. He went on to become a D1 athlete with a scholarship to play football at Bowling Green. The loss of his grandfather shortly after sent him into a downward spiral. Which ultimately left him off the team, suspended from school and back home.
Battling depression and suicidal thoughts he remembered the words of his grandfather before his death, “You gonna need God to make it through college and life.”
In that moment Nobles repented and turned to God, the God of second chances. Nobles went back to school and walked the stage of a 4-year university a couple years later. Which ultimately led him back to the game he loved, but this time as a Chaplain. Now Nobles uses his story to impact professional athletes and the community as a whole.
At the early age of 13 he knew that God was calling him into ministry. At a special prayer service led by his grandfather, he was standing in a circle and felt the presence of the Holy Spirit for the first time. An overwhelming sensation and a voice saying "GO!" He walked up to the alter to his grandparents and said, "I want to know what God's will is for my life."
Out of fear Nobles ran from his calling, he was terrified of it. But three years later, at only 16, he was ready to accept God's call on his life.
"My yes to God at 16 ran ahead of my 20 years and is opening up doors now."
Nobles now uses his powerful testimony to encourage pro coaches and athletes. Nobles also serves as the FCA Metro Cleveland Director for Cleveland FCA - www.clevelandfca.org
"The thing I'm most concerned with, is how do I win at home? It can only come by being sharpened, we all have blind spots and need another man to call those out. The Holy Spirit is our spotter, he sends and puts people in our lives that can see things we can't see. I want to encourage the men I'm around , the athletes and coaches I'm around to leverage their platform of influence to point people to Jesus Christ."
"My legacy is a man who had enough faith to take God at his word to watch him do what he did with no expectation other than seeing Jesus be glorified. I just want to see the name of Jesus will be lifted up in sports. God wants us to prioritize a souls over stats mentality. When we as men prioritize the health of our soul God allows everything else to flow from a place of priority because our priority is Him."
Get to know Nobles or book him for your next event! – www.noblesdarbyiv.com/home
If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today – menofiron.org/contact-us
Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, wherever you stream your podcasts! Subscribe, listen and share!
You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – www.youtube.com/@men_of_iron. Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at menofiron.org/podcast
Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us.
Find out more at menofiron.org