Dec 23 2024 40 mins
Where do technology and the paralegal profession intersect? Everywhere. Guest Karen Tuschak is a legal tech pioneer with more than 30 years of experience in the legal profession. She combined her experience, knowledge, and her passion for innovative technology to form her own company, Spider Silk Innovative Solutions in Toronto, Canada. Her company helps law firms and paralegals become more productive through technology and innovation.
Tuschak believes every paralegal professional can be their firm’s technology champion and driver. Technology continues to push the legal profession forward. E-discovery, data visualization, and case management are getting faster and better.
Tuschak doesn’t worry about an AI systems taking over a paralegal’s job. Today’s latest tech actually helps paralegal professionals do better work, faster. Don’t be afraid of the latest and greatest. Instead, master it.
The paralegal profession never stands still, and Tuschak sees endless opportunities for paralegal professionals. Project management, wrangling details, managing billing, and driving the adoption of legal tech create new roles seemingly daily. Hear how Tuschak nudges firms to invest in staff development, education, and tech and how you can get ahead in your own career through technology.
Mentioned in This Episode:
NALA, The Paralegal Association
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