In this two-part episode, host Jason D. Lazarus has an engaging conversation with the American Association for Justice Secretary, Sean Domnick of Domnick Cunningham & Whalen. They discuss the importance of work-life balance, learning to choose your battles, finding your niche to really make an impact, and the importance of connecting with empathy.
Learn more about Sean Domnick:
01:00 - Finding Your Niche: Making an Impact.
05:23 - Core Values: Helping Families in Need.
07:48 - Core Values: Connecting with Empathy.
12:40 - Core Values: Overcoming Difficult Challenges.
16:45 - Advice for Junior Lawyers.
20:15 - Trial Law Practice: Tips for Success.
Learn more about Sean Domnick:
01:00 - Finding Your Niche: Making an Impact.
05:23 - Core Values: Helping Families in Need.
07:48 - Core Values: Connecting with Empathy.
12:40 - Core Values: Overcoming Difficult Challenges.
16:45 - Advice for Junior Lawyers.
20:15 - Trial Law Practice: Tips for Success.