December 2024 Energy Report

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Dec 01 2024 20 mins  

This month of change, transformation, opportunities, possibilities, and fresh starts begins appropriately with a new moon. Yes December 1 is a new moon in Sagittarius that highlights our mercury retrograde. But don’t let that bring you down because there is a lot of good in these aspects and all month we will be pulled between the past and the future with a foot in both worlds. There are choices to be considered and decisions to be made and this time, it’s all about us, our needs, our path, and what brings us joy.
December 2024 is an 11 month, 12 + 2024 = 3 + 8 = 11. This is a fitting end to not just a difficult year but a difficult cycle that began in January 2008 with Pluto’s entry into Capricorn. Little did we know, until a few years ago, what that would become. Pluto does its work with gusto and it didn’t disappoint. Now that we know where the darkness is, it’s time to bring in the light.
11 is the first master number, the number of the initiate. I first wrote about our lives as a spiritual initiation in early 2004, one of my first newsletter articles. You can read about it in my book, Ascending into Miracles – the Path of Spiritual Mastery. And if you read Planet Lightworker Magazine, they published my Path of Spiritual Initiation series that year too. 20 years later, here we are talking about it again.
Initiation is a journey of learning, growth, and expansion. It isn’t just about the lessons but what we do with the experience. Do we move forward or go back? Do we rise or fall? Are we victims or victors? We have all struggled and suffered during this time, no one escapes the journey’s lessons but what do we do with the information? That’s what will propel us forward in the coming months and years.
With December’s strong 11 vibration our entire month becomes an ascension mirror. So keep that in mind as we go through the month. And at the last month of the year, when we look back on the past and look forward to the future, let this energy guide you to the most fruitful, fulfilling, joyful choices.
The energy theme for December is Revision, which can be interpreted several ways. To Revise something is to change its message, to alter what it looks and sounds like, to take an old narrative and edit it to make it more appealing, correct, fitting, or accurate.
To re-vision is to see with new eyes and a new perspective. When we re-vision something we decide that we will look at it in new ways. The truth is subjective, we know that. If you have ever played the post office game, you know how information and facts can get distorted. Listen to the podcast for an example of this.
If we decide to re-vision our lives we change our perspective on what we believe we saw or interpreted. Yes something may have been painful or hurtful but was that deliberate? Yes we may have hoped for the best in a situation but were we seeing the situation as it was? And this extends to re-visioning our own vision of ourselves. We have limited our vision of ourselves for far too long and we need all of our lights on to shine brightly now.
We can do both this month, we can revise our intention, path, purpose, and mission and use our ability to re-vision our lives lets us see it with new eyes. Many years ago I wrote that we have sight but no vision. We need our eyes, our 3D sight, to see the reality but we need 5D vision to see that reality with a new perspective, a new understanding, and to be open to new potentials and possibilities.
We see with our eyes but we perceive and understand with our perception and understanding. How we interpret the world is fully determined by how we choose to use our sight and what we choose to see.
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Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

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