10 Ways Your Small Group Can Serve

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Jun 12 2024 40 mins  

Would you like to know about ten unique ways that your small group can serve your church and community? Steve Gladen, Small Groups Pastor at Saddleback Church, pulls from his 25 plus years of small group ministry experience to encourage and equip listeners to lead healthier, growing and more effective small groups and small group ministries. In this episode, Steve and Derek sit down with special guest Jon Laster, small group pastor from Spring Hill, TN to discuss ten innovative ways that small groups can mobilize to serve people.

10 Ways Your Group Can Serve

Groups serving other areas of ministry in the local church is life giving, and fuel for what God wants to do in your local congregation!

1 - Talk to your Pastoral Staff and ask them what areas they feel needs the most attention in your local church. This can be basic cleaning, outreach, etc. I believe it’s the best place to start on where you can serve as a group.

2 - Serve those in your group. Whether someone needs their lawn cut during a busy season of life, or just a 45 min coffee meeting to check in on them and their family.

3 - Serve your local police and fire department. These are groups that are often are carrying a heavy load and it’s a great way for the local body to serve and encourage them. Pizza and subs go a long way! :)

4 - Find a street in your community and serve the community by doing clean up together.

5 - Sponsor a block party in someone’s neighborhood and serve your neighbors lunch or dinner. This leads to a great time of connection.

6 - Gather and pray for your local church and leaders. There is never not a good time to do this. Church leadership is carrying a heavier load than a lot of people realize and one of the best ways to serve others is to pray for them.

7 - Serve together at local food pantries, or homeless shelters. Find local opportunities outside the walls of your church to be the church.

8 - Find a way to serve your Kids, Teens, Worship, etc. Departments in your church. Whether it’s helping with snacks, prayer, set up, clean up, etc. Serve the upcoming generation!

9 – Connect with a city official and see what they did help in that your group(s) can help.

10 - Serve your local churches vision. This might look a little different for each church, but find ways to serve and carry out your local church’s vision together as a group.

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