One of the most common questions I get is how I make high-level decisions, like what to promote and when. Today, I’m breaking that down for you. I know you’re juggling countless decisions in your business, and it can feel overwhelming. That’s why I want to talk about how you can go about these decisions in a way that aligns with who you are, what kind of business you want to build, and is supported by real data to get you results.
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It’s easy to look at successful CEOs and assume big decisions come naturally to them. But the truth is, they were once where you are now. They’ve just built up the experience to make it easier over time! Today I want to help fast-track that process for you by sharing some key considerations for making big business decisions.
Episode Highlights
- How to Brainstorm a Big Decision [0:04:31]
- Why There is No “Right Choice” [0:17:25]
- Building Momentum in Your Business [0:19:44]
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