Nov 19 2024 20 mins 8
Toby Ferenczi used to work for an energy provider that marketed 100% clean energy but also ran a demand response program. When customers started asking him why they should shift their energy use to certain times of day if their energy was totally clean, he didn’t have a good answer.
During the pandemic he spent a lot of time ruminating on this disconnect and ultimately helped develop a new standard for tracking the renewable energy credits behind clean energy claims. He says his startup Granular Energy, which grew out of that work, ensures companies buying those credits are really moving the needle on a cleaner electric grid.
This week on With Great Power, Toby shares his journey into the world of RECs and explains why there’s a big debate among some of the world’s biggest tech companies about the best path forward.
This podcast is produced by GridX in partnership with Latitude Studios. GridX is the Enterprise Rate Platform that modern utilities rely on to usher in our clean energy future.