Oct 28 2023 35 mins
The town gathers to decide how to protect the children & clean up the queer mess, incidentally caused by many men from Boise's businesses going all the way up to the top of Idaho. 💰
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If you’d like to support my many ongoing LGBTQ history projects subscribe to bonus episodes of Queer Serial for $2.99/month here on Apple Podcasts, or $3/month here on Spotify or here on Patreon to also get my queer history archive dives & behind the scenes of my documentary currently in production about preserving Randy Wicker and Marsha P. Johnson’s archive. That’s all of my bonus episodes ever and all of my Patreon posts ever!!
Listen to the first 4 seasons of Queer Serial free wherever you’re listening to this episode right now! Hear the story of American queer liberation from its roots in the 1920s all the way through to Stonewall and beyond. Explore the Episode Guide at queerserial.com/episodes.
To support my projects and get some queer merch, visit my new Etsy shop! I have lots of podcast merch from throughout the series, plus new queer history-related postcards, buttons, stickers, and other fun things! etsy.com/shop/queerhistoryuplift. Thank you all so much for your support!
Listen to Morris Foote's interview about the Boise sex panic with historian Eric Marcus on Making Gay History.
Follow me on Instagram @queerserial for images from the true history, subscribe to periodic email updates here, and find more info & resources for the podcast at queerserial.com. Music comes from Blue Dot Sessions. “Radio clips” in this episode feature “The Problem with Jon Stewart” interview with Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, local news coverage of Florida’s 2023 trans sports ban, Governors Ron DeSantis and Glenn Youngkin spreading transphobia, followed by a trans high school teenager calling out Youngkin on CNN. Also featuring the 1950 Van Johnson version of “Let’s Choo Choo Choo to Idaho.” Also check out this fun version from the 1950 film The Duchess of Idaho.
This show is entirely supported by subscribers on Patreon and by bonus episode subscribers on Apple Podcasts & Spotify for $2.99 a month. “Queer Serial” is written, hosted, edited, produced, etc. by Devlyn Camp. Thanks for listening!