Apr 08 2024 42 mins
Learn how to be Carefree in the Care of God
On this podcast, I go over lessons learned from George Mueler, Reese Howell, and Hudson Taylor about walking by faith and being carefree.
Learn >
1-The difference between following God from your Heart vs your Mind
2-How not to be weighed down by the anxieties of life
3- How to grow your Faith- based on George Mueller
Pick up these incredible faith-building books (audio or paperback)
1. The Autobiography of George Mueller-
2. Rees Howells, Intercessor, the story of a life lived for God- by Norman Grubb
3. Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret
On this podcast, I go over lessons learned from George Mueler, Reese Howell, and Hudson Taylor about walking by faith and being carefree.
Learn >
1-The difference between following God from your Heart vs your Mind
2-How not to be weighed down by the anxieties of life
3- How to grow your Faith- based on George Mueller
Pick up these incredible faith-building books (audio or paperback)
1. The Autobiography of George Mueller-
2. Rees Howells, Intercessor, the story of a life lived for God- by Norman Grubb
3. Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret