Benjamin Bratton is one of the most interesting thinkers of our time. In his work he bridges the gap between political theory and the techno-social realities and possibilities of our time.
On the format:
This Future Histories LIVE event came together as part of an invitation to hold a guest lecture at the Goldsmiths College in London. I proposed a format in which I would hold a short presentation on podcasting as a form of extended research and then record an episode live in front of the students. My warmest thanks go out to Mattia Paganelli for the invitation to hold the guest lecture, to Benjamin Bratton for taking part in the interview and discussion and to the students of the Goldsmiths' seminar on Computational Arts for their participation.
Benjamin Bratton's Homepage:
Benjamin Bratton on Twitter:
Website of the Center for Design and Geopolitics:
Bratton, Benjamin. 2016. The Stack. On Software and Sovereignty.Cambridge: MIT Press:
The Terraforming (experimental postgraduate urban design research program at the Strelka Institute in Moscow) Website:
Bratton, Benjamin. 2019. The Terraforming. Moskau: Strelka Press (epub, full book):
Introduction Lecture by Benjamin Bratton on "The Terraforming":
Titles, names and concepts mentioned in this episode:
Wiki on Stafford Beer:
Wiki on Project Cybersyn:
Medina, Eden. 2011. Cybernetic Revolutionaries. Cambridge: MIT Press:
Srnicek, Nick. 2016. Platform Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity:
(German) „Man-Made-Katastrophen“. Schadenspiegel. Das Magazin für Schadenmanager. vol. 1/2016:
Morozov, Evgeny. "Digital Socialism? The Calculation Debate in the Age of Big Data". Blogeintrag in New Left Review (zuletzt aufgerufen 13.12.2021):
Zuboff, Shoshana. 2019. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. London: Profiles Books:
Wiki on Catallaxy and Catallactics:;
Wiki on Friedrich Hayek:
Hayek, Friedrich. 1945. "The Use of Knowledge in Society". In The American Economic Review vol. 35(4): 519-530 (pdf, full article):
Further Future Histories Episodes on related topics:
S01E31 | with Daniel E. Saros on Digital Socialism and the Abolition of Capital (Part 1):
S01E32 | with Daniel E. Saros on Digital Socialism and the Abolition of Capital (Part 2):
(German) S01E14 | Harald Welzer zu Kapitalismus, Planwirtschaft & liberaler Demokratie:
(German) S01E19 | Jan Philipp Dapprich zu sozialistischer Planwirtschaft:
(German) S01E30 | Paul Feigelfeld zu alternativen Zukünften, Unvollständigkeit & dem Sein in der Technik:
(German) S01E38 | Ulrike Hermann zu kapitalistischer Planwirtschaft:
(German) S01E39 | Jens Schröter zur Gesellschaft nach dem Geld:
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Episode Keywords:
#FutureHistories, #Podcast, #DataPolitics, #BenjaminBratton, #JanGroos, #Interview, #Society, #SyntheticCatallaxy, #Catallaxy, #PlannedEconomy, #Planwirtschaft, #DesignAndGeopolitics, #Terraforming, #Strelka, #CyberneticRevolutionaries, #PlatformCapitalism, #NickSrnicek, #EdenMedina, #Democracy, #SurveillanceCapitalism, #Überwachungskapitalismus, #ShoshanaZuboff, #ProjectCybersyn, #StaffordBeer, #BigData, #EvgenyMorozov, #DigitalSocialism, #SocialistCyberneticPlanning, #Cybernetics, #Cybersyn, #Kybernetik, #SocialistCalculation, #sozialePlanwirtschaft, #kybernetischeGovernance, #OpsRoom, #digitalePlanwirtschaft, #Hayek, #User, #TheStack, #Platform, #PlatformOfPlatforms, #RedPlenty, #FutureHistoriesInternational,