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Oct 06 2024 60 mins  
My text today is found in Isaiah 43:2 in your King James Bibles, and in that verse we see a fantastic doctrinal promise to the Jews and the nation of Israel. It does not apply to us here in the Church Age practically, but from a spiritual perspective it becomes a wonderful promise for Christians as well. This is why rightly dividing the scriptures as Paul commands is so very important. The prophet Isaiah is telling us about the time we read about in Revelation 12, where the Jews and Israel will be kept safe from the end times flood and fire the Bible tells us will be present in that day. Isaiah is giving us a literal description of actual Jews protected from literal flood waters and fires. So how can that, a promise made to the Jews, apply to us Christians at the end of the Church Age? This my message, preached live from Bethany Baptist Church in Saint Augustine, Florida.