Dec 15 2024 47 mins
Messaged Preached at a REHABILATATION CENTER in Lebanon, Tennessee.Date: 12-15-2024Text: Mark 5 vs 1-34Message Title: IF ONLY1. Chapter 5 of Mark has some most wonderful gospel nuggets that are contained in the stories.2. It presents the human spiritual condition in the picture of the Demoniac, then Jairus' daughter and the woman with the issue of blood.3. The stories are connected as they speak differently but to the same issue of what has befallen men and women.4. But in all these the chapter presents and provides the solution to the predicament. And that solution comes in the person and power of the Lord Jesus Christ.5. This is a short message in comparison to many of our messages. Nevertheless, it is choke full of wonderful gospel nuggets.And they ARE FREE!