In an episode first aired April 25, 2022: DJ Andrew Sandoval presents 20 mono 45's collected from his recent travels including selections by: The Plebs; The Down Children; Brenda Lee; Flowerz; 1st Century; Gonn; The Checkmates; Bob & Judy; The Motleys; The Four Evers; The Second Story; Milk; Dave Christie; The Alan Bown; The Camel Drivers; The Roosters; Gately & Fitzgerald; The Joyfull Noise; Ray Whitley and Tyree Forrest.
And then, in the Sunshine artist spotlight he explores 1966/1967-era Neil Diamond, including rare demos, a period interview and some of his best Bang label sides. Plus, era appropriate covers by the Angels, the Move, Monkees, Ronnie Dove and Mike Berry.
And then, in the Sunshine artist spotlight he explores 1966/1967-era Neil Diamond, including rare demos, a period interview and some of his best Bang label sides. Plus, era appropriate covers by the Angels, the Move, Monkees, Ronnie Dove and Mike Berry.