In an episode first aired on February 28, 2022: DJ Andrew Sandoval presents a unique selection of 1960's 45's from The Californians; Ides of March; The Five Emprees; The Chartbusters; Dee Jay & The Runaways; Mouse; Danny Price; The Playboys of Edinburg; The Gosdin Brothers; Sandland Brothers; Tuesday's Children; Troy Dante; Bob and Carol; The Gallery; John Simon; The Third Degree; Mark Eric; Skip Battyn and the Group; Keith Shields; Prince John.
In the Sunshine spotlight, an hour of early compositions/arrangements/productions by Jimmy Webb, with performances by: The Yellow Payges; The Midnight Mail; Shane Martin; The Nocturnes; Strawberry Children; The 5th Dimension; The Bystanders; Picardy; Dusty Springfield; Gulliver‘s People; Revelation; the Everly Brothers; Gordon Waller; Glenn Campbell; Richard Harris.
In the Sunshine spotlight, an hour of early compositions/arrangements/productions by Jimmy Webb, with performances by: The Yellow Payges; The Midnight Mail; Shane Martin; The Nocturnes; Strawberry Children; The 5th Dimension; The Bystanders; Picardy; Dusty Springfield; Gulliver‘s People; Revelation; the Everly Brothers; Gordon Waller; Glenn Campbell; Richard Harris.