Apr 14 2022 31 mins
Join Roxi n' Starr as they delve more into the semantics of getting home. Don't forget the antics and adventures in the barnyard. A fun and laid-back look into preparedness from two completely different perspectives. We will talk about some thoughts on medicine.
Learn about Jase Medical today https://jasemedical.com/?rfsn=6440945.b74b559
Books recommeneded :
Where there is no Doctor - https://amzn.to/3vie1O7
Where there is no Dentist - https://amzn.to/3vnAKZr
Survival Medicine Handbook - https://amzn.to/3KKOoMB
Receipe for Golden Milk:
1 C. Milk (cow, goat, nut, oat, coconut).
1/2 t. Tumerick
Dash Pepper
Splash of Vanilla
Honey to taste (raw)
Warm for a nice soothing drink. Great antiflamitory.
Learn about Jase Medical today https://jasemedical.com/?rfsn=6440945.b74b559
Books recommeneded :
Where there is no Doctor - https://amzn.to/3vie1O7
Where there is no Dentist - https://amzn.to/3vnAKZr
Survival Medicine Handbook - https://amzn.to/3KKOoMB
Receipe for Golden Milk:
1 C. Milk (cow, goat, nut, oat, coconut).
1/2 t. Tumerick
Dash Pepper
Splash of Vanilla
Honey to taste (raw)
Warm for a nice soothing drink. Great antiflamitory.