Feb 25 2023 18 mins 1
Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Season 3, Episode 220; Growing Up Adopted
Listen to Co-Host Kelly Rourke-Scarry as she discusses what it was like to grow up as an adoptee in the 1970s and 1980s. Learn about the differences between then and now, how these changes are for the better and why it was so important for the changes to occur. Learn more about adoption from the "Adoptee Angle" of the Adoption Triad. Spread Adoption Awareness.
Listen. Learn. Love. Adoption.
Listen to Co-Host Kelly Rourke-Scarry as she discusses what it was like to grow up as an adoptee in the 1970s and 1980s. Learn about the differences between then and now, how these changes are for the better and why it was so important for the changes to occur. Learn more about adoption from the "Adoptee Angle" of the Adoption Triad. Spread Adoption Awareness.
Listen. Learn. Love. Adoption.