October 18, 2024
Yada reads to us from his latest unpublished work (link coming soon) regarding the identity of the Red Heifer | 'Adamah Parah and the connections to this significant sacrifical event which will take place on Taruw'ah, 2033.
Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 17:1, Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 5:1, Malaky 4:1-6, Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:1-3, Bare’syth / Genesis 15:9. (link to be inserted, here is a link to the Index tool for current passages: Translation Index (yadayah.com)
Join Yahowah's family as we explore the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while most importantly espousing Yah's Towrah truth.
Hosted by the author of the Yada Yahowah series, An Intro to God, Observations, Coming Home, Babel, Twistianity, God Damn Religion, and In The Company.
Yada reads to us from his latest unpublished work (link coming soon) regarding the identity of the Red Heifer | 'Adamah Parah and the connections to this significant sacrifical event which will take place on Taruw'ah, 2033.
Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 17:1, Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 5:1, Malaky 4:1-6, Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:1-3, Bare’syth / Genesis 15:9. (link to be inserted, here is a link to the Index tool for current passages: Translation Index (yadayah.com)
Join Yahowah's family as we explore the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while most importantly espousing Yah's Towrah truth.
Hosted by the author of the Yada Yahowah series, An Intro to God, Observations, Coming Home, Babel, Twistianity, God Damn Religion, and In The Company.