Oct 27 2024 118 mins
We exist in an illusion because in reality there is no time or duality. We know this has been an experience to learn from. To have lived in lower vibrations of 3rd density for many thousands of life times has finally brought us to this beautiful transition of Awakening and Higher Awareness of our true identities as Beings of Oneness with Source. We are moving into higher levels of 5th Density and with that have greater, clearer understanding that we are Source Co-creators. This is part of our Ascension process and with this knowledge we are here to assist all of Humanity. Today, we are honored as always to be able to connect with very high 6th density beings, Zorra and Zaraya from Hollow Earth. In addition, our special guest will be Dr. Tom for his Updates. We will be discussing the preparation process for the RV and our appointments. Q&A will be a part of our conversation with him! Memo: In order to continue our work/joy, we ask for your support. We do not have monthly subscriptions as most other websites do, so we only ask for your assistance once in a while. PayPal: [email protected] (send through friends or family) or you can Zelle it to Billie Woodard or Jane Stevens: 775-233-3925. Email: [email protected] -Text to Jane 719-428-9746 Sign up for our newsletters at our Website: https://zorraofhollowearth.com With much love and gratitude, Jane and Billie