#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come; #Lord #Redeems Pt13

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Nov 01 2024 60 mins  
Lord Redeems brings us to a point where the world today currently exists. People are waiting on the Lord in many areas of the globe. But in the midst of such tribulation, we have hope. For the Lord will Redeem us, rescue us, save us, and bring the believers in #JesusChrist, #Yeshua #Massiach unto himself. The Lord will wait until the proper time, yet the Lord can and will deliver his #believers in #Yeshua the #Messiach. He is #LordofLords and #KingofKings, yet it may not be time for the #Church to exit as yet. But and however, the Lord can and will #deliver us from "The Evil" in the world. We are #overcomers and we also face troubles in every nation on earth. As the Psalmist says, "Many are the #afflictions of the #righteous, but the Lord delivered him out of them all -Psalm thirty-four, verse nineteen." This week we remind and encourage all who hear to #seektheLord and be assured the Lord can and #willdeliver us from "The Evil". #LordRedeems, #TheEvil

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