#Gospel Among #Nations, #Christian #Persecution, #Faith & #Testimony

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Nov 13 2024 60 mins  
#Gospel Among #Nations, #Christian #Persecution, #Faith & #Testimony, #Jesus #Christ, #Advocacy #Persecuted @WarnRadio

Gospel Among Nations comes right at us this week on our Advocacy for the Persecuted Church @WarnRadio. In spite of those who work to destroy the faith of Christ, we find #revivals, #evangelism, and #salvation spreading even amidst the troubles of these troubled times. Even in America as we face a globalist takeover while Americans are saddled with left-wing sympathy for the change that these leftists want, there is another enemy of America. That is the Globalist machine of billionaires, #Globalistsystems, and a governmental push among nations that will lead to a massive divisionary conflict and more #chaos as the #SonofPerdition will arrive at the most in opportune time. #Revivals are and have been breaking out throughout #America. At the same time, we find the #GospelofChrist spreading amidst #persecution. As Mark chapter thirteen and verse ten says "The #gospel must first be #published among all #nations." Buckle up #Saints, #God is moving, and the #Gospel is upon the lips of the #believers on a global scale. #GospelAmongNations

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