Nov 16 2024 121 mins
This week, return guest Chris Lepine share’s his new book with us, Jesus Without Christianity: The Original Pre-Christian Master and His Lost Teachings. He explains what the title means and how the book helps to answer the key questions about Jesus. Biblical Christianity has done a great service presentinh Jesus to the world. But, has it made some mistakes concerning Jesus? Does it tell us who Jesus was before he came here? Does it effectively promote what he taught? Does it adequately help us find God and a spiritual life? Does it tell us the truth about our Creator?
Chris' new book helps to remove the baggage and confusion of the last 2,000 years to reveal Jesus as an independent, divine teacher, before, above, and always beyond any religion. It is available November 17th at
Also this week, new guest, Theresa Marks. The confusion and hurt she experienced for 38 years in traditional Catholicism fueled a 20-year exploration of diverse spiritual paths. She was introduced to The Urantia Book by her late husband, Bruce Porter. Alongside him, she co-directed Kindred Spirits Retreat Center, a UB-based retreat center from 2006-2016 in Eugene Oregon. She is a self-described “spiritual rights activist,” a spiritual director, and a professional musician and church pianist.
Last year, as a final project for her spiritual director training, she was inspired to write “A Spiritual Bill of Rights for Humanity” that lays out seven fundamental spiritual rights to protect the spiritual freedoms of all people and promote healing for those hurt by authoritarian religions. It calls on spiritual leaders worldwide to work toward global spiritual freedom and oppression-free religion.
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Chris' new book helps to remove the baggage and confusion of the last 2,000 years to reveal Jesus as an independent, divine teacher, before, above, and always beyond any religion. It is available November 17th at
Also this week, new guest, Theresa Marks. The confusion and hurt she experienced for 38 years in traditional Catholicism fueled a 20-year exploration of diverse spiritual paths. She was introduced to The Urantia Book by her late husband, Bruce Porter. Alongside him, she co-directed Kindred Spirits Retreat Center, a UB-based retreat center from 2006-2016 in Eugene Oregon. She is a self-described “spiritual rights activist,” a spiritual director, and a professional musician and church pianist.
Last year, as a final project for her spiritual director training, she was inspired to write “A Spiritual Bill of Rights for Humanity” that lays out seven fundamental spiritual rights to protect the spiritual freedoms of all people and promote healing for those hurt by authoritarian religions. It calls on spiritual leaders worldwide to work toward global spiritual freedom and oppression-free religion.
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