Nov 28 2024 61 mins
On The Hermetic Hour for September 2nd, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. host Poke Runyon will be joined by Jo Carson for a discussion about the life and work of surrealist painter, poet, Neo-Pagan philosopher and ceremonial magician Frederick Adams. Fred, with his consort Lady Svetlana, founded "Feraferia" in 1969. Feraferia was the first, and still the most elegant, expression of Goddess worshiping, Nature focused, Neo-Pagan religion in America. Jo Carson's recently released film "Dancing With Gaia" features Fred giving instruction in land-form yoga, and also displays his marvelous art work. Fred Adams was certainly a master magician. He and Svetlana recreated the ancient Greek Eleusinian Mysteries and perfected a joyous round of nine Seasonal Ceremonies. There would be no O.T.A. Seasonals without the original inspiration of Feraferia. Tune in on Thursday and connect with this beautiful and vital expression of modern magick.