Dec 26 2024 178 mins
hr 1
Has the beginning of the end arrived for the existing order as we know it? Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander present some reasons to believe that it has.
hr 2
We take you inside the homes of four TPC-listening families who share with us good tidings, great joy, and informed opinions on a variety of political topics of their choosing during this especially festive program!
hr 3
Our Christmas tradition continues when Pastor Bret McAtee of Christ the King Reformed Church in Charlotte, Michigan, presents the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Support Resolution RADIO. Every $ helps us upgrade & purchase advertising!
M.O. to Sonny Thomas or well concealed cash to P.O. Box 27 Springboro, Ohio 45066J
T: @JamesEdwardsTPC @KMAlexTheGreat
Wimkin: ResolutionRDO G: ResolutionRDO Tg: ResolutionRDO Gettr: ResolutionRDO T: ResolutionRDO1
hr 1
Has the beginning of the end arrived for the existing order as we know it? Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander present some reasons to believe that it has.
hr 2
We take you inside the homes of four TPC-listening families who share with us good tidings, great joy, and informed opinions on a variety of political topics of their choosing during this especially festive program!
hr 3
Our Christmas tradition continues when Pastor Bret McAtee of Christ the King Reformed Church in Charlotte, Michigan, presents the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Support Resolution RADIO. Every $ helps us upgrade & purchase advertising!
M.O. to Sonny Thomas or well concealed cash to P.O. Box 27 Springboro, Ohio 45066J
T: @JamesEdwardsTPC @KMAlexTheGreat
Wimkin: ResolutionRDO G: ResolutionRDO Tg: ResolutionRDO Gettr: ResolutionRDO T: ResolutionRDO1