Feb 13 2022 65 mins
Last year there were around 6000 suicides in the UK. 3/4 of those were men.
5 years ago Jamie Archer decided he was going to end his life. In this episode, Jamie explains what prevented him from going through with the suicide and for the very first time he talks about growing up with an alcoholic father and an abusive Step Dad.
He also reveals how fellow suicide attempt survivor, Kevin Hines ( our guest on Episode 6, Season 4 ) saved his life.
Jamie is now a mental health advocate, promoting conversation, teaching awareness and the knowledge to save lives through his organisation called RUOKM8
To connect with Jamie:
instagram: @the_ruokm8_podcast instagram: @jmearcher23
Are you having suicidal thoughts?
UK call 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258
USA call 1800 273 8255 or text CNQR to 741 741
For international numbers: www.suicide.org
To watch the documentary The Bridge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJallQ3cKGs (you must be 18 or over)