Feb 23 2025 45 mins 2
What can you do to transform your business? What actions can you take to help it be more sustainable? How can your operations be part of the overall sustainability solution and shaping a better society – and how can this ensure your own success?
Professors Julia Binder and Knut Haanaes from IMD Business School in Lausanne, Switzerland, are here to discuss their new book Leading the Sustainable Business Transformation, and the many topics it addresses.
There are many positive examples of business practice across economic, social and environmental sustainability – and Knut even sees the sustainability ‘backlash’ as a positive sign.
We take a journey from the importance of business schools in shaping behaviour and attitudes of future leaders, and impacting the bosses of today, to examine how using your head, heart and hands are all essential to pursuing and incorporating a sustainability perspective into business.
Along the way, we take in system leaders, sustainability as a team sport, future-back thinking, the importance of entrepreneurs, Chief Sustainability Officer Barbie, and a quick dive into the career of ice hockey legend Wayne Gretzky!
Find out more about Julia and Knut’s book here: https://www.imd.org/ibyimd/leading-the-sustainable-business-transformation/