Jan 20 2025 23 mins 1
TikTok restores service for US users based on Trump's promised executive order
基于特朗普承诺的行政命令,TikTok 正在恢复对美国用户的服务
TikTok restored service to users in the United States on Sunday just hours after the popular video-sharing platform went dark in response to a federal ban, which President-elect Donald Trump said he would try to pause by executive order on his first day in office.
TikTok 因联邦禁令而停运数小时后,于周日恢复了对美国用户的服务。美国当选总统特朗普表示,他将在上任首日试图通过行政命令暂停该联邦禁令。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。