3. Walking to Rome/Canterbury: Pilgrimages Real & Imagined

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Oct 26 2024 63 mins   1

昔日旷野何在?今日朝圣何为?本集《走路去罗马/坎特伯雷:真实和想象的朝圣之旅》中,桑老师将分享自己沿着法兰奇纳古道(Via Francigena)徒步21天去罗马朝圣的经历,包老师将分享英国朝圣文学第一书《坎特伯雷故事集》的中世纪背景和语言风格。

你将遇到的龙族有:三名坎特伯雷大主教:奉教皇大格列高里(Gregory the Great)之命来英国传道的奥古斯丁(Augustine of Canterbury,6世纪),奠定罗马朝圣古道的塞吉里克(Sigerick, 9世纪)和殉道者托马斯·贝克特(Thomas Becket, 12世纪);亚里士多德、君士坦丁大帝、埃塞尔伯特王(Aethelbert)、可敬的比德(Venerable Bede)、阿尔弗莱德大帝(Alfred the Great)、埃塞斯坦王(Aethelstan)、亨利二世(Henry II)、“酒鬼”主教福柯(Bishop Defuk),薄伽丘,乔叟,司各特(Walter Scott),还有狼。

Happy Halloween! An episode full of saints for the upcoming All Saints' Day!


"waking up at 5 and walking before the sun rises, so that I can see the night dissipate into the glory of the light"

"living the gypsy life under a free blue sky, away from home, away from the concept of home itself"

"walking onto a 2000 years old road to Rome, because at that time all roads, literally, would lead you to it"

"whatever happens, just look up"

"a man walks and gets hungry, and meets many that helps and feeds him. It is the beauty of pilgrimage"

"a view over the lake city of Bolsena"

"Nothing tastes better than food with friends after 30km. These are all people I met on the road, who became my companions."








@本期节目主播:  包慧怡、桑阳

@制作人: 张泽熙

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