Oct 29 2021 45 mins
Join the Ladies as they go trick-or-treating in a neighborhood full of podcasts! Tonight, we slice and dice our way up to meet Ghost Train from Slaughter House Stories.
Like what you are hearing? Consider donating to our show. We love making this and would love to just keep getting better. Donations can help us with that venture.
Special Thanks to our guests tonight: Slaughter House Stories! Find them here
Thank you to Alex Price for out theme music and mixing, Josh for additional music, Joe for our logo, and to our editor.... you!
Like what you are hearing? Consider donating to our show. We love making this and would love to just keep getting better. Donations can help us with that venture.
Special Thanks to our guests tonight: Slaughter House Stories! Find them here
Thank you to Alex Price for out theme music and mixing, Josh for additional music, Joe for our logo, and to our editor.... you!