Jun 13 2023 27 mins
My guest today is Charlie Cifarelli , a stroke survivor, motivational speaker, author, and recipient of a Gold Communication Award. During this amazingly powerful and heartfelt episode, Charlie shares his story filled with love, recovery, and immense strength. He talks about his journey from being a Department of Corrections officer to a private sector business owner, and how the experience gave him knowledge and empathy about the power of words. Additionally, he emphasizes treating inmates with kindness and humanity and the importance of second chances.
Here are just a few of the key takeaways of the 1st part of Charlie's interview ....
Here are just a few of the key takeaways of the 1st part of Charlie's interview ....
- Strokes can affect young and old people, and don't necessarily require pre-existing conditions like AFib, diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.
- Charlie Cifarelli realized their passion for helping others after their experiences with police brutality and time in prison, leading them to become a motivational speaker and author.
- The importance of treating inmates with kindness and humanity was emphasized by the speaker, who himself is a former correctional officer. He believes that everyone should be treated as a human being, not just someone who has committed a crime.
- Join Charlie & I in this inspiring episode, and learn more about the power of self-love, second chances, and spiritual growth. Next week we will bring you part 2 and you will not want to miss it so save the date on your calendar--see you then and thanks so much for tuning in!.