Jun 17 2023 49 mins 1
Begining in 1977 a series of inexplicable Nightmare induced deaths took the lives of over 100 Hmong live in America. The mystery is still a source of conjecture and wonder in the medical community. I found this story positively intriguing, so I present to you my findings on this terrifying topic. Then, as usual I wind us down with a fictional story...this week we take a magical mystery tour with a tale taken from the pages of Weird Tales; a creepy detective story, sure to leave you shivering.
Wayne King, May 10, 1981
Eric Young, Se Xioung, Laurel Finn, Terry Young, "Unique sleep disorders profile of a population-based sample of 747 Homg immigrants in Wisconsin," Social Science and Medicine, vol.79, Feb. 2013, pp. 57-65.
Shelley R. Adler, "Refugee Stress and Folk Belief: Hmong Sudden Deaths." Social Sience and Medicine, Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 1623-1629.
Katie Spalding, "Can You Really Be Scared To Death?" OCt. 29, 2021, iflscience.com
Filip K. Swirski, Jessica L. Ables, Ivan E. de Araujo, Deanna Benson, et al. "Brain-body communication in health and disease," Special adendum to Science Magazine, June 6, 2023, Frontiers of Medical Research: Brain Science.
Wayne King, May 10, 1981
Eric Young, Se Xioung, Laurel Finn, Terry Young, "Unique sleep disorders profile of a population-based sample of 747 Homg immigrants in Wisconsin," Social Science and Medicine, vol.79, Feb. 2013, pp. 57-65.
Shelley R. Adler, "Refugee Stress and Folk Belief: Hmong Sudden Deaths." Social Sience and Medicine, Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 1623-1629.
Katie Spalding, "Can You Really Be Scared To Death?" OCt. 29, 2021, iflscience.com
Filip K. Swirski, Jessica L. Ables, Ivan E. de Araujo, Deanna Benson, et al. "Brain-body communication in health and disease," Special adendum to Science Magazine, June 6, 2023, Frontiers of Medical Research: Brain Science.