Oct 01 2023 76 mins
Comet Nishimura gave us all a once in several lifetimes chance to experience the wonders of space, and for most earthlings it was a wondrous momentous occasion. But to those who may still believe in the Comet's mysteriously ominous place in the annals of doomsday prophesies and catastrophe, perhaps things looked a little different. Come with me this week as I explore the Comet's complicated history and relationship with mankind, then sit back and enjoy a different kind of brush with green tinted extra terrestrial terror as I read When The Moon Turned Green, by Hal K. Wells.
A History of Comets - Pt. 1: From Harbingers of Doom to Celestial Wanderers; https://sci.esa.int/s/wRMV4DA; September 14, 2023.
A History of Comets - Pt. 2: Testing Gravity: How Comets Helped to Prove Newton Right; https://sci.esa.int/s
The Biblical Flood, Noah's Flood, the Deluge of the Scriptual Genesis Record; www.accuracyingenesis.com
Noah Goldman, "Comets in Ancient Cultures." deepimpact.astro.umd.edu
Joel Schwarz, "Humans Have Feared Comets, Other Celestial Phenomen Through the Ages." www.jpl.nasa.gov; March 24, 1997.
Claire Weintraub, Christina Ng, Acacia Nunez, and Haley Yamada, "Heaven's Gate survivor reflects on the cult's mass suicide 25 yeaers ago."
Abigail Beall, "Last chance to see comet Nishimura before it vanishes for 400 years." New Scientist, www.newscientist.com; September 21, 2023.
A History of Comets - Pt. 1: From Harbingers of Doom to Celestial Wanderers; https://sci.esa.int/s/wRMV4DA; September 14, 2023.
A History of Comets - Pt. 2: Testing Gravity: How Comets Helped to Prove Newton Right; https://sci.esa.int/s
The Biblical Flood, Noah's Flood, the Deluge of the Scriptual Genesis Record; www.accuracyingenesis.com
Noah Goldman, "Comets in Ancient Cultures." deepimpact.astro.umd.edu
Joel Schwarz, "Humans Have Feared Comets, Other Celestial Phenomen Through the Ages." www.jpl.nasa.gov; March 24, 1997.
Claire Weintraub, Christina Ng, Acacia Nunez, and Haley Yamada, "Heaven's Gate survivor reflects on the cult's mass suicide 25 yeaers ago."
Abigail Beall, "Last chance to see comet Nishimura before it vanishes for 400 years." New Scientist, www.newscientist.com; September 21, 2023.