On December 19, 1959 all four members of the Walker family were murdered in their home in Osprey, Florida. The case remains unsolved...
This episode was made in conjunction with The Florida Themis Project, a non-profit 501c3 organization that is featuring The Walker Family and is running an awareness campaign about her disappearance for the month of December 2023.
To learn more or support The Florida Themis project please visit floridathemisproject.org.
Visit our website paradiseafterdark.com for links to our store, Patreon, tip jar and more!
Instagram @palmahawkmedia
Twitter @paradisedark239
TikTok @palmahawkmedia
If you see something say something!!
Music by Captain Fathands @ captainfathands.com
This episode was made in conjunction with The Florida Themis Project, a non-profit 501c3 organization that is featuring The Walker Family and is running an awareness campaign about her disappearance for the month of December 2023.
To learn more or support The Florida Themis project please visit floridathemisproject.org.
Visit our website paradiseafterdark.com for links to our store, Patreon, tip jar and more!
Instagram @palmahawkmedia
Twitter @paradisedark239
TikTok @palmahawkmedia
If you see something say something!!
Music by Captain Fathands @ captainfathands.com