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Dec 29 2023 14 mins   3
If you had a million dollars you’d probably think you’re financially free… or Maybe you keep thinking that that high-paying job you’ve been wanting will solve all your problems…

The problem with thinking this is that you’re assuming that having a lot of money is what leads to financial freedom. You can have a lot of money and still be poor. You can have a lot of money and still not be free. You can have that high-paying job and still be living paycheck to paycheck.

That’s why to be rich, you have to budget like the rich.

Building and maintaining a budget is an essential element of personal finance success. It’s the roadmap for your finances.

Host Alexandra Gonzalez-Ganoza shares the four basic budgeting tips the rich use and you can start implementing them in 2024!

Get Rich Dad’s Manage Your Money Course: https://bit.ly/3RK1n7i