Jan 30 2024 57 mins
LARRY LAWSON - In over 36 years in law enforcement, I Have learned a few things. The most important is the proper gathering and preservation of evidence is vital to putting the "Bad Guy" behind bars. It’s no different in the world of paranormal investigation. Whether it is the search for the afterlife, cryptozoology, extraterrestrials and UFO's, how we gather the evidence of their existence, preserve that evidence and present it to a court of our peers will make the ultimate difference in proving the existence of worlds and entities that are beyond our imagination. Join me on a journey that seeks to prove, with undisputable evidence, what man has struggled to believe for centuries. Join me, Larry Lawson, host of PARANORMAL STAKEOUT coming to The ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Network. Check out the broadcast schedule for the PARANORMAL STAKEOUT with yours truly, Larry Lawrence at www.xzbn.net.