Mar 15 2024 50 mins 2
The Hollywood Ripper trial shifts its focus to the two California murders - Ashley Ellerin and Maria Bruno. Ashton Kutcher, the most famous witness in the trial, takes the stand to detail the night he went to pick up Ellerin before she was found dead. Michael Gargiulo's defense team hammers Ellerin's former apartment manager about his version of events the night of her murder, and several of Ashley's friends speak about their interactions with Gargiulo and his apparent obsession with her. Neighbors of Maria Bruno also take the stand, as well as her estranged husband Irving Bruno, who is grilled by the defense about his actions the night of her murder. As the trial begins to wrap up, psychological experts are brought in to assess Gargiulo's state of mind, and the jury is finally left to make a decision on his guilt, sanity, and potential sentence for the three attacks.