Practicing Gratitude

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Dec 05 2023 17 mins  
This week, on The Parents' Solution, I had the wonderful opportunity to have a life-changing conversation with Bracha Goetz. Bracha is a Harvard-educated author of 41 books that help children's souls shine. In her own words, Goetz says, "my goal has been to write the books that I wish I had as a child."
Goetz's books teach children happiness skills, with the intention of giving children the tools they need to be able to do as well as possible in life. Her book topics range from physical health and abuse prevention, to swimming safety, learning disabilities, and practicing gratitude.

Bracha has a passion for helping children foster self-confidence. She wants children to understand how amazing they are. When a child has a strong sense of self, they are able to overpower the negative thoughts that tend to eat away at positive self-esteem. In this light, Bracha wrote a powerful book entitled Don't Read This Book. It is written in the tone of that nagging, negative voice we all experience regularly, and teaches children to overcome that negativity.

Bracha says, "The challenges are there to make us into better people."


Read that one again and let it go deep.

"The more often we can give children the tools to succeed early in life, the more joyful a life they get to have and the more they get to accomplish."

Speaking about having a joyful life... Bracha dropped a golden nugget for life during our session. She told me what the secret to happiness is. And since you're part of this community, you get to learn about it too.

It's gratitude.

I can go on and on about this. But what you need to know is that gratitude is really an exercise in mindfulness. North American society tends to focus on all the things we don't have instead of all the things we do have. And that is why depression and anxiety are on the rise. If we get out of the comparison and scarcity mindset, and start living in the contentment and abundance mindset, we are going to realize that we have an infinite amount of blessings to be grateful for.

You really need to listen to this podcast.

For more on Bracha Goetz and her books, go to . You won't regret it!