Mingled with the Seed of Men

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Mar 10 2024 88 mins  
KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR saw a vision that disturbed him so much that he ordered his sorcerers, enchanters, and magicians to tell him what he’d dreamed and its interpretation—on pain of death. Obviously, the Chaldeans of Nebuchadnezzar’s court couldn’t comply with the king’s demand. They were on the verge of being killed when one remembered the Judean named Daniel. Through a revelation of God, Daniel was able to reveal the dream and its interpretation, but that’s led to 2,500 years of debate over just what the interpretation actually means. Ali Siadatan (ThinkAgainProductions.com) joins us to discuss the ages of humanity—gold, silver, bronze, and iron—and the mixing of iron and clay as described in the dream. We also touch on the succession of empires and the concept of the fourth exile and the Messianic age. We also explore the idea of birth pangs and the signs of the end times, including the days of Noah and the phenomenon of hybrids and the existence of demigod kings in history. We explore evidence of Gilgamesh’s tomb and the possibility of hybridization between fallen angels and humans. Ali also shares his interpretation of the parable of wheat and tares, the birth of civilizations, and the supernatural nature of the Bible—including Ezekiel’s prophecy of an evil dead army in the final battle at Armageddon. Here’s the link to the P.I.D. Radio episode summarizing “the Octopus,” the focus of the new Netflix docuseries The Octopus Murders: https://www.pidradio.com/2009/10/04/p-i-d-radio-10409-the-octopus/ Thank you for making our Build Barn Better project a reality! The building has HVAC, a new floor, windows, insulation, ceiling fans, and an upgraded electrical system! We’re in the process of moving our studios and book/DVD warehouse and shipping office out of our home and across the yard into the Barn. If you are so led, you can help out at www.GilbertHouse.org/donate.
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SOLIDARITY MISSION TO ISRAEL! We’re planning a one-week trip to Israel May 6–13, 2024 to bear witness to what’s happened there since the war with Hamas began. We plan to visit Hostage Square in Tel Aviv, Sderot, an exhibition about the Nova Music Festival, and more. For details, go to GilbertHouse.org/travel. NEW DATES FOR OUR NEXT TOUR OF ISRAEL! Our 2025 tour features special guests Dr. Judd Burton, Doug Van Dorn, and Timothy Alberino! We will tour the Holy Land March 25–April 3, 2025, with an optional three-day extension in Jordan. For more information, log on to www.GilbertsInIsrael.com. Discuss these topics at the VFTB Facebook page (facebook.com/viewfromthebunker) and check out the great podcasters at the Fringe Radio Network (Spreaker.com/show/fringe-radio-network)!