Jul 24 2024 21 mins 2
On the podcast, we have had many experts talk on topics of pain, wellness, fitness and many other topics. Much of what they talk about comes from research.
If you are looking online for information to help manage your pain, how do you know if that information is correct and how does research information get to the end users? Knowledge mobilization is a method to disseminate research information.
On this episode, Tom Hoppe is joined by Deb Denman, Director of Knowledge Mobilization for the Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence.
CPCoE Knowledge Mobilization - https://www.veteranschronicpain.ca/knowledge-mobilization
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/chronicpainCOE
Twitter https://twitter.com/chronicpainCOE
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chronicpain_coe/
If you are looking online for information to help manage your pain, how do you know if that information is correct and how does research information get to the end users? Knowledge mobilization is a method to disseminate research information.
On this episode, Tom Hoppe is joined by Deb Denman, Director of Knowledge Mobilization for the Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence.
CPCoE Knowledge Mobilization - https://www.veteranschronicpain.ca/knowledge-mobilization
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/chronicpainCOE
Twitter https://twitter.com/chronicpainCOE
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chronicpain_coe/