May 31 2024 60 mins
Episode 97: Bobbi Paidel/ POSITIVE LAMB FOUNDATION and a Curious Yogi Podcast
"Innner contentment unfolds supreme happiness"
In this episode (which we recorded in February this year) my dear friend and fellow yogini Bobbi Paidel and i are talking about all things yoga, being curious, our love for India, living in ashrams, our teacher Stewart Gilchrist, SIMPLICITY AND CONTENTMENT, being less busy, redirecting language and the many transformations/incarnations Bobbi has been through, like depression and addiction and her sobriety journey. We also speak about Bobbi's foundation: POSITIVE LAMB and all the good work she is doing for children living with HIV in India.
Please support Postive Lamb Foundation:
TREKKING FOR THE CHILDREN! On June 15th I'm trekking in London to raise money for children living with HIV in India. Helping to send 75 children to school for a year, along with everything they need! This is my second time fundraising for POSITIVE LAMB FOUNDATION a cause i am extremely passionate about, please help me help them and sponsor me to reach my 500 euro goal!
Bobbi's other episode
Bobbi's guru: SWAMI SHYAM
Yoga and the 12 steps:
A curious yogi
Positive Lamb Foundation