Jul 24 2024 26 mins
The Daily is committed to democracy, freedom, and the power of independent media. To never miss a newsletter or an episode of our podcast, please consider becoming a subscriber.In this special edition of the podcast, we talk about President Biden’s Oval Office address and what it means to the country and democracy.All quotes from the podcast have been lightly edited but are transcribed as spoken.Joe Biden Is The Real Deal For a bit in this speech tonight, he was reminding me of Jimmy Stewart. I had this like Over and over again. I kept seeing Jimmy Stewart in his face. He has that shucks americana Yeah, but love of country love of just a genuineness and like uh, an authenticity and and An openness and a care for this country in a in a vulnerable way that we don't see very often I do want to highlight one thing.He said in his speech that I thought it was Well, there were a couple of points that were really touching to me. What I really liked. The great thing about America is here. Kings and dictators do not rule. The people do. History is in your hands. The power is in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. And that is something that we talk about all the time because it is the truth. But people need to be reminded of that at a time when corporations have so much power. And as we just saw, rich donors think they're running the world. And for voters to be reminded, you have this power, this is your country. I thought that was, and we don't go for dictators and kings here, and was that not a kick in the you know what to you know who? The Age Shoe Is On The Other FootThe guy who has been absolutely has been hammered for years, but his age was the one who sat there and made the really convincing argument that it was time for a new generation and time to pass the torch.Well, he literally made the argument for why Trump should not be elected. I mean, the same guy who just been getting blistered for weeks on end for being old, having a bad debate, sat there and just said, We need new voices, new leadership, a new generation. And that's exactly what I'm saying. Once again, that's a Joe Biden took you to the woodshed kind of moment and he delivered it with the folksy, veneer on top of it.Not that it's fake, though. A veneer is fake. So that's not really what I mean. But the presentation was, he wrapped it in folksiness. Yeah. But it was a, he took everything they were attacking him with little jiu-jitsu to move there and he just put up his shield and said, right back at you, Trump, take that and stuff it.And now Trump's and all the arguments that were used against Biden apply to Trump. Yeah. And he's like, Hey, look at this new generation of leaders that I helped. Those are it. Yeah. I mean, this is a guy again, the book ends. I keep coming back to this. Yeah. But. For me, the bookend of Joe Biden, the Violence Against Women at Women Act back in the 1990s.And now, we put first vice president female vice president, and then we have, he's hopefully ushering in the first female president. Isn't a fascinating part of his legacy and career. The fact that he was added to Barack Obama's ticket to be the experienced statesman, balancing. comforting presence because Obama was considered such an inexperienced unknown by many.And then he becomes president and he uses those same qualities to elevate Kamala Harris. And as you just said, hopefully get her elected to the next president. When you said bookends, those to me are almost two perfect bookends. Yeah, that's true too. I mean, that's a different point, but they're both true. And that's again, we're getting, we keep coming back to this, but it's his service to the country. Joe Biden: A Gift To The CountryWe keep coming back to this, but it's his service to the country. And, and I do want to bring out one more quote from him tonight because I thought this was a, I don't think the speech could have been better, frankly. The defense of democracy is more important than any title.I draw strength and find joy in working for the American people. But this sacred task of perfecting our union isn't about me, it's about you, your families, your future. It's about we, the people. And that is Joe Biden. What a gift to this country. Yeah, again, the right person at the right time. Yeah. Saying the right things.Yeah. And the right, with the person with the right values. I don't think we get enough. After Trump's lack of values for four years, he was the right person to come in and help reset everything. Decency. Yep, he brought back decency. Unfortunately, we haven't. He wasn't able to, but he tried really hard to restore norms.What did you think of President Biden’s Oval Office address? Share your thoughts or questions in the comments below.
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