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Aug 16 2024 59 mins  
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S PODCAST which includes a look at how we’re being asked now to release any self-aggrandizement & replace it with caring about others.
All this & more Astro News You Can Use at Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking podcast on any of your favorite podcast stations! This podcast includes a deep dive into where this month’s lunar cycle’s Leo New Moon fell in the charts of the two U.S. presidential candidates & where this Aquarius Full Moon falls--& what this portends.
For example, we note how GOP candidate Donald Trump has been experiencing for some time now that transiting Pluto’s been causing others to adjust how they view his potential return to the White House, & how transiting Uranus is resulting in sudden changes to his reputation out in the world.
Likewise, we note where the beginning of this month’s lunar cycle fell in his chart, & how to interpret this based on what he’s being asked to release now at this Aquarius Full Moon. If the word “self-aggrandizement” doesn’t say it all, then I don’t know what does, lol…
In addition, given the current buzz about Trump’s declining mental acuity, we review how transiting Neptune has affected this from the astrological point of view. And that astrology proves that Trump has, in fact, been experiencing mental decline since May 2019. Why? Because that’s when transiting Neptune in his 7th H of partnership squared his natal 10th House Gemini Uranus--causing him to be somewhat out of touch with reality, as evidenced by his “big lie” following his 2020 presidential election loss.
Transiting Neptune then went on to square his nodal axis spanning his 4th to 10th Houses—the effects of which this podcast defines in greater detail. Transiting Neptune then squared his 4th House Sagittarius Moon, & finally his 10th Gemini Sun, & all of this took place between 2019 & 2023.
The proof is in the pudding, as they say, & it’s clear from the astrological point of view—especially since frictional Neptune aspects can often result (especially for someone in their seventies) in “confusion, illusion, & delusion”--that Trump has become more and more cognitively impaired during this time period.
Meanwhile, we take a similar look at Kamala Harris’s chart, her sudden rise to the democratic candidacy since July 21’s Capricorn Full Moon, & her subsequent rise in popularity. We note how this Aquarius Full Moon makes positive aspects to her natal Sun & Moon, how it lands on her natal Mars/Saturn/Jupiter T-square & how transiting Uranus liberates her now to break free from old constraints--but in accordance with her natal slow & steady wins the race astrologically-oriented personality.
Join us for all this and more Astro News You Can Use at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM, & we’ll see you there! Namaste…
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