Sep 10 2024 27 mins 1
In this episode, host Brian Fried interviews Mike Miranda, a New York-based inventor and former educator, who has created "Get Smart," a revolutionary crossword card game. Mike shares his journey from conceptualizing the game with simple index cards to developing a nearly finished prototype. Discover how "Get Smart" transforms traditional word games into powerful educational tools, teaching vocabulary across a wide range of subjects. Mike also discusses the challenges of patenting and licensing his invention. If you love games like Scrabble and want to see innovation in action, don’t miss this episode!
Watch the episode here:
About Got Invention Show:
Welcome to the Got Invention Show!
Listen to inventors interviews sharing their invention story to the world! Are you patent pending? Do you have a prototype to show and demonstrate? Are you looking to earn royalties from your invention? Are you looking for a manufacturer? Do you want to raise money or find an investor? Do you want to sell your invention? Learn from other inventors or let’s see and hear about your big invention idea!
Show & tell us about your invention, have your very own video interview to be proud of! Your video can be used to: Post to your social media Add on your website Send to bloggers & editors Pitch to licensees or investors Listen to inventor interviews or sign up:
Your Host of Got Invention Show, Brian Fried. Brian is the host of Got Invention Radio, with interviews of high profile guests including the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Lori Greiner from ABC's Shark Tank, & over 150 individual interviews.
Brian connects and guides inventors to earn royalties from their inventions to licensees and brand properties looking for new ideas and intellectual property to expand existing or add to new product lines.
Inventor Smart:
Host Inventor Expert and Invention Consultant Brian Fried:
Check out the launch of a very exciting app, finally a community for inventors!! Our very own social media, networking, events and resources to help each other with our big ideas! The Inventor Smart Community app now available on Google Play or Apple App Store
Watch the episode here:
About Got Invention Show:
Welcome to the Got Invention Show!
Listen to inventors interviews sharing their invention story to the world! Are you patent pending? Do you have a prototype to show and demonstrate? Are you looking to earn royalties from your invention? Are you looking for a manufacturer? Do you want to raise money or find an investor? Do you want to sell your invention? Learn from other inventors or let’s see and hear about your big invention idea!
Show & tell us about your invention, have your very own video interview to be proud of! Your video can be used to: Post to your social media Add on your website Send to bloggers & editors Pitch to licensees or investors Listen to inventor interviews or sign up:
Your Host of Got Invention Show, Brian Fried. Brian is the host of Got Invention Radio, with interviews of high profile guests including the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Lori Greiner from ABC's Shark Tank, & over 150 individual interviews.
Brian connects and guides inventors to earn royalties from their inventions to licensees and brand properties looking for new ideas and intellectual property to expand existing or add to new product lines.
Inventor Smart:
Host Inventor Expert and Invention Consultant Brian Fried:
Check out the launch of a very exciting app, finally a community for inventors!! Our very own social media, networking, events and resources to help each other with our big ideas! The Inventor Smart Community app now available on Google Play or Apple App Store