Oct 14 2024 50 mins
Welcome Back B-oo's Crew!! After a much needed break and unfortunate drama...we are back with "The Old Stone Jail" or, Old Cambria County Jail. Built in 1872, by son of renowned architect John Haviland, Edward Haviland, the jail would be known for hanging 11 men in its day and selling tickets to watch. The legend of "The man that would not hang" about a man named Smitty takes place in this historic building, and is never solved.
The jail would close down in 1997 and become the towns records building. Since its closure, there have been many claims of paranormal activity like, screams, breezes, knocks, and interactions with an intelligent spirit named...Smitty! Television shows such as, Paranormal Lockdown and Destination fear have visited the jail, along with a multitude of youtube channels. Get ready B-oo's Crew, it's time to get yourself booked in and turn the lights down low, as we talk about,,,"The Old Stone Jail!"
Do you have a story you'd like read or played on the show? Are you part of an investigation team that would like to come on and tell your story and experiences? Maybe you have a show suggestion! Email us at [email protected]
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For The B-oo's uses strong language and may not be suitable for all audiences, listener discretion is advised!
Sources for this episode: Ebensburgpa.com, Padowntown.org, Ihhv.org, old-stone-jail.com, countryfoxexploring.com, mila255.blogspot.com
All music and sound effects courtesy of http://www.pixabay.com and freesound.org
#paranormal #ghost #haunted #ghosts #paranormalactivity #horror #creepy #paranormalinvestigation #scary #spooky #ghosthunting #spiritual #supernatural #ufo #halloween #spirit #spirits #ghosthunters #podcast #paranormalinvestigator #terror #ghoststories #hauntedhouse #aliens #haunting #alien #supranatural #pengasihan #ghosthunter #ghostadventures
The jail would close down in 1997 and become the towns records building. Since its closure, there have been many claims of paranormal activity like, screams, breezes, knocks, and interactions with an intelligent spirit named...Smitty! Television shows such as, Paranormal Lockdown and Destination fear have visited the jail, along with a multitude of youtube channels. Get ready B-oo's Crew, it's time to get yourself booked in and turn the lights down low, as we talk about,,,"The Old Stone Jail!"
Do you have a story you'd like read or played on the show? Are you part of an investigation team that would like to come on and tell your story and experiences? Maybe you have a show suggestion! Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter @fortheboos
And on Instagram @forthboos-podcast
Follow us Tik Tok @fortheboos_podcast
Help support the show on Patreon for early access ad free shows and an exclusive patreon only podcast!
You can also find us on Facebook at For The Boos
And on YouTube at For The Boos
Remember to Follow, Subscribe, and Rate the show...it really does help!
For The B-oo's uses strong language and may not be suitable for all audiences, listener discretion is advised!
Sources for this episode: Ebensburgpa.com, Padowntown.org, Ihhv.org, old-stone-jail.com, countryfoxexploring.com, mila255.blogspot.com
All music and sound effects courtesy of http://www.pixabay.com and freesound.org
#paranormal #ghost #haunted #ghosts #paranormalactivity #horror #creepy #paranormalinvestigation #scary #spooky #ghosthunting #spiritual #supernatural #ufo #halloween #spirit #spirits #ghosthunters #podcast #paranormalinvestigator #terror #ghoststories #hauntedhouse #aliens #haunting #alien #supranatural #pengasihan #ghosthunter #ghostadventures